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St John the Baptist Primary School, Belfast

Tree Planting in Falls Park

12th Mar 2020

It was a case of work, rest and play for the P.5s on their recent outing to Falls Park. After planting almost 200 trees we enjoyed some well earned, freshly prepared pancakes. World Book Day was also out of the ordinary as we enjoyed reading round the campfire with our favourite books. There was also plenty of time for some good clean fun (although mucky might be more fitting in this case!) Archery, Fire lighting, trying to master a hammock, as well as a game of Hide and Seek. We did have a chuckle at the realisation that Hide and Seek in hi- vis vests was a bit of a contradiction in terms and almost impossible not to get caught. It was fantastic fun all the same 🙃😂 A truly memorable day indeed! Many thanks to Michael, Karl and YogI 👏