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At St John the Baptist we are aware of the importance of mathematics in everyday life. We want our pupils to enjoy maths through a growing belief in their own ability and understand it is reasonable to make mistakes because this can strengthen their learning through the journey to finding an answer.
Pupils secure key number facts through our Mental Maths challenges, building knowledge and skills which are carefully tracked using a range of assessment strategies including weekly tests and termly assessments, carries out by our principal. This allows teachers to form an individual numeracy profile for each pupil and choose the best strategies moving forward.
At St John the Baptist pupils learn through a arrange of resources and teaching methods best suited to the individual. They are taught using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach, guiding them through their understanding of mathematical processes.
The statutory curriculum for Mathematics and Numeracy is structured as follows:
Talking and Listening
Foundation Stage: Pupils develop knowledge, understanding and skills in:
- Understanding Number
- Counting and Number recognition
- Understanding Money
- Measures
- Shape and Space
- Sorting
- Patterns and Relationships
Key Stages One & Two: Pupils develop knowledge, understanding and skills in:
- Processes in Mathematics
- Number
- Measures
- Shape and Space
- Handling Data
In addition, pupils will move from our Accelerated Maths programme to the enhanced FRECKLE Programme, an online resource, tailored to their ability, through a series of lessons, completed at home daily. Classes are also rewarded for winning the highest combined total. We also use the FRECKLE programme to target pupils for after schools’ tuition in small groups, focusing on areas where pupils require additional support.
The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly will be challenged through rich, multi-step problems before moving to the next level, allowing ALL pupils in St John the Baptist to develop an maximise their numerical abilities.
St John the Baptist Primary School, Finaghy Rd North, Belfast, Antrim BT11 9EH Phone: 028 9061 4546